Beautifully designed, high performing multi-system emulation in the palm of your hands
Fixed an issue where some games could not be displayed or installed
Added symbols and text to blurred buttons to help discern function
Added the ability to import missing files by tapping the respective file
Added load and save states to the Game Boy Advance, Nintendo 3DS and Nintendo DS cores
Re-implemented Game Boy Advance via the NanoBoyAdvance core
Rewrote significant portions of the app to improve functionality and performance
Switched all emulation screens to the new blurred style
Updated all dependencies to ensure all the latest improvements are available
Added PlayStation 1 emulation with the Lychee core (based on a modified PSXE by allkern)
Added new default emulation controllers with visually appealing blur effects
Added a new Missing Files option to the settings menu to assist with initial set up
Added new options to the App Settings screen
Added a new blurry button type to skins for skin creators
Added real world pedometer data to the Cytrus core
Added gyroscopic data to the Cytrus core
Added widgets for Last Played and Play Time
Added cached artwork for the Lychee and Mango cores
Added the ability to delete games for the Lychee and Mango cores
Changed the Cytrus Web API option from the App Settings screen to the Cytrus Settings screen
Changed the cards on the Library screen to be the correct aspect ratio for their respective consoles
Fixed an issue where the Mango core would crash when no audio or video data is available
Fixed a minor memory leak for game icons using the Grape core
Removed swipe to tap which caused issues where the button would be stuck down